Depression As We Age

Our senior years can be some of the most enjoyable years of our lives. You’ve worked hard and if you’re fortunate you get to enjoy retirement, travel and spend time with family and friends. However, with aging frequently comes increased…

a newspaper article saying dementia tsunami will hit province

Dementia and Alzheimer’s – The Tsunami is Here

The Tsunami of Dementia is happening. According to Alzheimer’s Society of Canada there are currently over half a million Canadians living with dementia- plus about another 25,000 new cases diagnosed every year.  By 2031, that number is expected to rise…

a pocket full of money

Have You Heard of Self-Managed Care?

Many Albertan’s believe that if they require Home Care Services that AHS is the only funded option. This is not the case! You can request to allocate your AHS funded home care dollars to the home care company and/or provider…

an elderly couple holding coffee mugs in a kitchen

5 Reasons Why Home Care Services Work

As we go through the aging process, we may notice some physical or medical challenges that prompt us to consider what we need to do to continue to live at home. One of the services that can provide a wide…

a lady stressed pulling at her hair

Caregiver Burnout – Why You Need To Be Proactive

When you’re a primary caregiver, burnout hits when you least expect it. Warning signs of burnout It can be hard to self monitor for burnout especially when caring for a loved one. Many feel guilty for thinking that they are…

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