Classic games for seniors with limited mobility and who may spend much of their day sitting down. Engage both brain and body with our top game suggestions.

Classic games for seniors with limited mobility and who may spend much of their day sitting down. Engage both brain and body with our top game suggestions.
Finding the right Calgary home care company for you or your loved one can be daunting. Here’s our checklist on what to look for and ask about.
A seasonal selection of sensory activities for seniors with memory and cognitive decline, to help stimulate all their senses and make the Yuletide fun!
Home for Christmas 2023? How to check your aging parents and relatives are still able to live independently. Our second article in this 2-part series.
Heading home for Christmas? Take a few minutes to check if your loved ones are coping living at home, and what you can do to help
Prepare for winter 23-24 with professional snow clearance and other services to complement our exceptional home care services in Calgary
How regular home care can support seniors’ mental health and help alleviate anxiety and depression.
Why retire to Calgary, one of the top 10 cities to live in the world according to the Global Liveability Index for 2023. And it’s not just about the weather!
Why feeding your gut microbiome with plant-based foods can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and potentially increase your life expectancy