Want to live to 117? Top tips from the previous world’s oldest woman Spaniard Maria Branyas Morera, known on social media as “Super Àvia Catalana”
Seniors safety behind the wheel; why you need to take a driver medical exam to continue driving in Canada after the age of 75.
How wearing hearing aids for hearing loss can cut your risk of cognitive decline by almost half over three years, and delay or even prevent dementia.
Seniors and sleep: how much do we need, how to improve the quality, and simple tips to help you sleep better as you age
How you can help seniors and aging relatives keep cool, including how to spot the signs of heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Owning a pet in your senior years can slow decline in your memory and verbal fluency if you live alone. So go ahead, chat with the cat and discuss with the dog!
“Your brain and your gut are like besties” The science behind gut-brain communication and why it’s important for your health
Finding the right Calgary home care company for you or your loved one can be daunting. Here’s our checklist on what to look for and ask about.
Prepare for winter 23-24 with professional snow clearance and other services to complement our exceptional home care services in Calgary