Looking after someone with dementia? Take part in the CAN-PROTECT caregivers survey
Are you a caregiver or care partner for someone with a cognitive disorder such as Alzheimer disease ?
Join the largest study related to caregiving ever done and help improve understanding of the vital role caregivers play in Canada today.
Introducing CAN-PROTECT
The study aims to gather a better understanding of the caregiver journey, and as a result help create more proactive and targeted ways to support caregivers like you. It’s part of CAN-PROTECT, a new research study into how the brain ages, run by the University of Calgary in partnership with the University of Exeter, UK and Gordie Howe CARES.
The CAN-PROTECT study is headed by Dr. Zahinoor Ismail MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, who says:
“CAN-PROTECT will provide invaluable information on which risk factors, alone or in combination, are the best targets for dementia prevention. Importantly, these findings will be informed by a diverse, Canada-wide sample of participants and their study partners.”
Overall, CAN-PROTECT are aiming to recruit 10,000 people into the study.
Caregivers and CAN-PROTECT
Here at Vytality at Home want to help spread the word about this research to those who care for people with dementia for caregiver-specific assessments. Their contribution will be vital, as Dr Ismail says:
“This includes informal caregivers like friends and family, as well as professionals who participate in dementia care including nurses, personal care aids, occupational and recreation therapists, physicians and others. We will obtain great insights into risk and resilience in care partners. There is no other study like it.”
What’s involved
All you need to participate is access to a computer or touchscreen device, and less than 8 hours a year to complete an annual selection of questionnaires. Those in the main study will be asked to take a series of brain function tests, and play some brain training games. All answers and data you submit will be totally confidential as it is not linked with your personal data.
How to join the CAN-PROTECT caregiver study
It’s really simple to become part of this important research.
- Sign up for the CAN-PROTECT study
- Log in to your dashboard and go to the My Studies section
- Find out more about the caregiver study
To participate, you must:
• Be aged 40 or over
• Have access to a computer and the internet
• Not have any diagnosis of dementia
• Live in Canada
• Have your own email address
Sign up now by clicking on this link: https://www.can-protect.ca/RegisterParticipant/Join
Or scan this barcode!

Looking for a career in caregiving?
Contact us here at Vytality at Home. We’re always keen to hear from both new and experienced caregivers to help our growing customer based here in Calgary, Alberta. We look forward to hearing from you.